Syed Rizwan Abbas and Gulistan Rani [PDF]


Alexandrian senna is a perennial plant, 60-80 cm tall, glabrous to subglabrous Senna Mill. And is belong in the family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae, containing countless types, extensive and has various morphological characters. Alexendrian senna is evergreen shrub in all the seasons of the year, mostly two to three feet tall and grows in semi-arid soil, the stem of Senna alexendrian is straight, smooth and dark green having long branches with four to five pairs of leaflets.  Alexendrian is first originated in eastward to Somalia from some wild plants it is also naturally originates in Asia from Arabian peninsula to India and Seri lanka. anthraquinonoid compounds (sennoside (A, B, C and D), flavonoid, saccharide, naphthalene derivatives, phytosterols, essential oils, waxes, tannins, mineral salts, resins, and mucilage are found as effective chemical constituents presents in Senna.  Crushed pods and leaves of Senna are used to loss constipation and increase bowl movement and use as a homemade remedies for many diseases like water borne diseases including typhoid  also joint, tendons ligments and bone related diseases,  pneumonia, reducing fever, bacterial, viral and fungal  long term infections, leukemia, jaundice, intestinal worms and use as healer for  splenic enlargement. Senna is FDA approved medicine.

Key words: Typhoid; Pneumonia; Leukemia; Jaundice; Splenic enlargement