Hana AbdElaziz, Babiker K. Abdalla and Salah Mergani DOWNLOAD PDF

The aim of study is enhance wastewater treatment based on adsorbent material (Charcoal (CC)) and comparison between biological treatments for waste water. In order to investigate the aim of this study the treatment of wastewater based on adsorbent material was done after biologically treatment. Wastewater samples were taken from wastewater biologically treatment unit at the Coral hotel in Port Sudan city as: Final wastewater treated. After that, the samples were undergone to chemical treatment by adding adsorbent material (Charcoal (CC)). Then the chemical properties of the treated wastewater were measured such as: pH, TDS, conductivity and ions. The measurements of ions were by titration methods. So that for study purpose of the effect of waste water treated on soil when use in irrigation of nurseries. The results showed that the biologically treatment of wastewater, has big an impact in decreasing the ions and contaminants more than CC, then biologically treatment can use to remove undesirable elements to getting water high quality, which can be used in multiple utilizations such as irrigation of nurseries.